Outsourced Payroll Services
Outsourced Payroll Services
Of course, payroll is not one single activity, but rather comprises a set of tasks executed in tandem with one another. Following this, we will partner with you to deliver whatever your payroll process requires, including the following functions:
- We are able to help you establish payroll for your company.
- Establishing and managing your company’s preferred payment method.
- Handling payroll taxes
- Effecting applicable employee deductions.
- Managing end-of-year tax return forms and declarations
- Generate individual employee payslips
- File monthly Statutory returns including; NHIF, PAYE, NSSF, Housing Levy & NITA
- Assist you in making the necessary statutory payments
- Using Payroll and HR Software, we create and maintain employee profiles capturing their HR data, statutory registration numbers, pay group, department, station, e.t.c. Your existing employee data can be imported and be used as the basis for the payroll.
- For new employees, we follow up on their registration with KRA, NSSF and NHIF.
- Configuration of payroll parameters per employee e.g whether to allow overtime, personal relief, etc
- Data entry to capture various earnings, deductions, and benefits per employee
- Payroll calculation processing at the frequency of your choice - weekly, biweekly or monthly
- Generation of Payroll Summary Reports and submission to management for approval and payment authorization
- Generation of Payslips
- Distribution of Payslips to employees via Email
- Calculation and reporting on statutory deductions
- Filing of quarterly and annual returns with KRA
- Providing professional advice on kenyan laws affecting payroll and taxation
- Generation of output data to be imported into your accounting system